Mile Square Park

Fountain Valley, CA

Mile Square Park is a 607-acre urban regional park owned by Orange County Parks (OC Parks). As the name suggests, the site is approximately a mile in length on all four sides.

EPTDESIGN was tasked with leading a team to envision a new master plan for the entire 607-acre property along with researching how to incorporate the new, 93-acre expansion (former 18-hole golf course) into the existing park. Through a lengthy site analysis and research phase which included a 5-mile radius parks needs assessment, several community workshops and outreach to the community and stakeholders, we developed a final master plan design which takes inspiration the history of the site as a formal Naval landing site and features key elements to bring together the diverse population and cultural communities surrounding the park.

You can read the completed master plan here.

Based on feedback from several community workshops, careful research into the surrounding region, and conditions within the existing park, the Mile Square Park Master Plan seeks to expand open space for Fountain Valley and the surrounding region.

As a part of our research, a “needs assessment” looked at the program of any park that landed within a 5-mile radius of Mile Square. The design language specifically addresses the need for open space and connection to nature for this largely suburban/urban community.

Currently serving mainly a single-use (golf), the new master plan focused on creating multi-use spaces including access to open space/nature trails, increased pedestrian and bike paths, expanded recreation space, and multiple venues for large events or civic gatherings.
