Orange High Debuts First STEM Building of OUSD’s Measure S-funded Projects

The initial phase of a $288 million Measure S renovation program involving four high schools in the Orange Unified School District has completed its first project.

Mark Rightmire, Orange County Register/SCNG

Starting Nov. 16, Orange High School students will have access to a newly constructed $52.4 million S.T.E.M. complex, featuring technologically advanced science labs and classrooms, along with well-equipped teaching spaces for students with special needs.

“Nov. 16 will be a great day for them,” said Bill  Campbell, a member of the Measure S oversight committee. “The students. The faculty. Everybody ought to be excited about it.”

Mark Rightmire, Orange County Register/SCNG

The 7,500-square-foot, two-story complex, which was unveiled to school and district officials on Nov. 7, is situated in the center of the campus and houses four chemistry and eight science classrooms, one general classroom and two living skills classrooms.

See the full feature in The Orange County Register.
