Little Court

Pasadena, CA

Once upon a time, this home sat in a rural setting…nestled atop a hill in the midst of many acres and with dramatic views of mountains and valleys in all directions. Fast forward over one hundred years and the home has grown dramatically while the grounds have been reduced to just over two acres. Pastoral views have given way to a mature forest of Oaks, Olives, Eucalyptus, Bay, citrus, and the historic gardens—originally designed by Paul Thiene and Florence Yoch—are being restored and updated to meet the needs of modern life.

As found, the largely formless gardens have been reshaped to strengthen the arrival experience, create a circulation sequence to allow for proper movement across the grounds, and establish a series of focal points and outdoor rooms.

Our work included a careful balance of restoration of historic elements and surgical interventions that enhance the quality of life for modern life.